A Gentle Hope

13253078-a-little-girl-sing-and-dance-in-a-field-of-ryeI walked with my head down and my hands in my pockets, deep in thought and trying desperately to keep the tears from falling. I felt weary and worn out by the world.  Problems that seemed to have no answer were made more complicated by my wavering feelings.  Regrets from the past weighed down my hopes for the future.  Too many broken dreams made it almost impossible to dream again.  I felt old and tired.

She danced across my path then.  I was walking through a green field and there she was.  A young, innocent little girl with a flower in her sandy, brown hair. She had a few freckles spread across her nose and she sang as a kitten chased after her. She was laughing to herself at some inner joke that only she could hear.  She stopped just a few feet away and looked up at me.  Looking down into her blue-grey eyes, I saw hope, joy, daydreams, love, innocence, but something else.  I saw wisdom…wisdom beyond her years.

She stepped closer to me and put her little hand in mine. “It’s ok, Melissa.  I’m still here,” she said as she laid her hand softly on my heart.  Then she stepped back, turned away and disappeared laughing with the breeze.

I looked around me.  The sunlight poured down warm and gentle, the spring green of the willow branches dipped and swayed while the blush-colored blossoms of a nearby flowering tree filled the sweet air.  Birdsong and children’s laughter echoed nearby.  Life, love and laughter were everywhere around me, but most importantly of all, they were still inside of me.

I laid my hand over my heart.  “Thank you, Melissa…” I whispered.



10 thoughts on “A Gentle Hope

  1. Thanks for coming out of the shadows into the light.
    I will keep on following you my bright light.
    One day will be better than all the others when you were hiding.
    You are best seen since you glow with your love.
    You remind me of my past happiness.

    1. Awww…thank you Drew! Peaceful and beautiful…I feel so flattered that my writing gives you such inspiration. And how funny, I was just commenting on your new poem. 🙂 Sending hugs and kisses across the literary ocean my dear friend xoxo

      1. It is remarkable. Here I was starting my blogging week reading your beautiful words and you were on my blog.

        What a perfect way to start my week. Oh, this would be a wonderful way to start every week – reading you.

        Please stay inspired. Be happy. Be well.
        Receiving your hugs and kisses with open arms and sending some of my own. xoxoxo

  2. A very sweet memory but what if it had been me approaching what would have been your reaction?
    Me, well I am trying not to smile! It does help when you share
    regardless of where your feelings come from.
    It was not an inner joke which made the child smile but an emotion
    As sweet as honey!

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